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Social Media Intelligence Consultant

Social Media Intelligence & Digital Analytics can be defined as analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. This would include the data acquired from your businesses and competitors that can help you build strategies for improving your online experience.

Social Media Intelligence and Surveillance Consulting

Digital Analytics

In short, it is the process of keeping the customers at the center of your whole digital marketing strategy and building techniques that can aid you in bringing about the desired outcome to spike your online presence and business.

The marketers herein are to decide where the customers will appear and what type of messages they will want to hear. I provide digital analytics services to advance your business’s online presence.

Predictive Digital Analytics

The advent and increase in the utilization of big data and Artificial intelligence have provided marketers with a powerful medium for analysis.

This information not only aids in enhancing the online presence, but the insights collected also present a ground for businesses to improve their overall strategy.

Herein one of the most popular tactics used is predictive data analysis.

Predictive Digital analytics can be defined as the branch of advanced analytics that uses big data for predicting events and results acquired therein. It assists in integrating techniques using statistics, data mining, modeling, machine learning, and artificial intelligence tools.

This helps further analyze the varied data sets to make lucrative predictions. The primary purpose of predictive analysis is to identify future predictions and risks.

Steps included in predictive data analytics include:

A systematic method is used for carrying out predictive data analysis that includes:

  • Defining the outcomes, i.e., elucidating the question for which you are looking for an answer
  • Gathering of data
  • Analyzing and evaluating the data collected
  • Testing the conclusions using statistics
  • Developing predictions surrounding customer behavior
  • Utilizing the information to create new strategies and tactics
  • Tracking and reporting the overall effectiveness of the campaigns

I offer predictive digital analytics services to help businesses analyze digital trends and customer behavior and build tactics to drive traffic and sales.

Data Collection & Preservation

Data Collection & Preservation consists of preserving business data that may be required for legal investigation.

This is done to prevent the person under scrutiny from erasing the data or changing their electronic storage while the review is underway.

Are you looking for an expert to retain and back up data from digital media? I am a trained digital intelligence analyst.

I provide data collection & preservation services to back up every media and information from mobile devices, email inboxes, and social media. Also, I offer techniques to preserve the data to keep it secure with zero chance of them getting stolen.

Digital & Computer/Mobile Forensics

To put it across simply, digital & computer/ Mobile forensics relates to preserving, identifying, and extracting data and documentation of evidence that can be presented in a court of law in case of fraud.

In short, it can be defined as evaluating and finding evidence from digital platforms, including mobile phones, computers, servers, networks, etc.

The primary motto of digital forensics is that it lays across the platform for the forensic team to conduct a detailed analysis, inspection, and identification of the data preserved on digital media and other electronic devices.

Benefits of Digital & Computer/Mobile Forensics

Digital forensic covers a broader arena besides being limited to computers and users.

This considers all the devices, servers, and media wherein the user has interacted digitally.

The information collected and evaluated by the forensics accentuates it to be presented as proof of evidence in the court of law whenever needed. Its benefits include:

  • Aids in easy recovery, analysis, and preservation of data that can strengthen the evidence
  • Assists in carrying out the anatomy of the motive behind the crime in addition to helping catch the main culprit
  • Acquisition of data and duplication: Recover deleted files and partitions from the digital medium
  • It helps postulate the depth of the crime

Are you in search of a digital forensic facility? Well, I am a trained digital intelligence consultant offering digital & computer/mobile forensics, assisting in recovering data hassle-free.

Also, I enable social media forensics services to extract and recover data from varied social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, etc. To help the forensic team track the gravity of the crime and malicious activity.

Carrying out the data collection and preservation process requires the support of experts who can provide proficient methods. A cyber intelligence analyst is a professional intelligence expert who uses their knowledge to solve complex problems.

  • They conduct a complete survey and analysis of data, sources, and digital forensics to identify, monitor, assess, and counter any hacker threat.
  • They are also responsible for producing written assessments on both short-term and long-term basis and briefing the organization about the information collection. Thus, they must have excellent scientific and technical expertise in the process.

Social Media Intelligence Consulting

Social media has proven to be an impactful platform for interacting, sharing ideas, and reaching the audience. It also happens to be an excellent platform for influencing the audience.

For example- as per statistics, Facebook has over 900 million active users; Twitter has over 300 million, with a massive amount of information shared daily.

These include verbal communications, status, news, stories, notes, videos, photos, and comments.

Additionally, the platform also is sometimes used for carrying out malicious activities.

Social Media Forensics helps collect data from social media platforms to help forensic investigators track the criminal and understand the gravity of the crime.

I am a Social Media Intelligence Consultant to assist in gathering, monitoring, and analyzing through social media forensics services.

Try out my services to gain potential information shared on social media use in a court of law.


The online platform dominates the present era. The dimensions are vast, from utilizing the information for business growth to tracking information as proof in a court of law.

I am a digital intelligence consultant, offering a platform for users to leverage the advantages and assist in carrying out data analytics, digital forensics, and predictive digital analytics with the help of expert cybercrime analysts.

Call: 91 9848321284

Email: [email protected]

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